Monday, April 20, 2009

How do they Know?

Ahh... Beautiful Springtime.
As I am getting down and dirty in the soil I ponder on the wonders of nature...

How does the grape hyacinth choose its shade of blue?
How does the snowdrop know when to bloom?
How does the mole design his underground subway?
How does the frog know it's time to start croaking?
How does the hummingbird find my feeder?
How does the crow know that he can crack walnuts by dropping them on the pavement?
How does the tulip bulb know how to multiply?
How does the big dipper stay in place?
How can an earthworm still live if I chop him in half with my spade?
How does the salmon know where to spawn?
How does the rooster learn to crow?
How does the bear know when it's time to wake up?
How can a snail carry his shell-house upside down?
How does the clematis vine know how to climb and cling?
How does the liatrus flower bloom from the top down?
How can potato eyes grow new plants?
How does the robin sing the same song every spring?
How does the oak know when to change from green to red & orange?

Genesis 1:31
God looked at all that He had made, and it was very good.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Lovely post, Esther. Yes, how does all that happen? I guess the little children's song reminds us that..."the Lord God made them all"! Blessings, Alice