Tuesday, July 24, 2007


"Candid Camera" was a wonderful show, because it made people smile, laugh and forget about their problems for the moment. Every show ended with "Somewhere, when you least expect it, someone might walk up to and say, Smile! You're on Candid Camera."

Sometimes I smile for no apparent reason as I walk through the mall and people look at me with a quizzical "do I know you?" look and usually they smile back.
At the restaurant table next to me, one day, was a group of "special" people communicating with strange odd sounds. I admired how patient and kind their caregivers were with them. As they left, I said "Hi" to one of them and was rewarded with a very loud laugh right next to my face. She was so pleased and excited that someone smiled at her and noticed her as a person.

Elementary school joke. What's the longest word in the dictionary? Answer - SMILES
'Cause there's a mile between the two SS.


Anonymous said...

Hi Esther:
Thanks for your continuing thoughts. I appreciate your words on your blogs - they give me reminders of how often it is the little things that make a great impact. May I be faithful in the everyday things today.

Lorraine Dick

Julie said...

Good thoughts ! My husband's first response to a siren is to pray for the people who may be hurt.
It is true, our automatic response is that we hope it isn't one of our loved ones, but of course it is SOMEONE'S loved one.

I came upon your site via your sister and brother-in-law (the Froeses). They happened to be visiting in our church this morning and sat behind us. After church your sister asked my husband if he was a Klassen -- she remembered him from her childhood! So we had a nice visit! -- and before we parted, Vic (my husband) asked about you and we learned you had a blog!!